What is this study about?

We are looking for snowsports instructors from all different backgrounds and experience levels to participate in a study investigating how a perception of one's future career in winter sports instructing affects the desire to participate in professional development.

Who can participate in this study?

  • Currently working as a snowsports instructor (full time or part time)
  • Be at least 18 years old

What will your participation involve?

Answering a survey that takes approximately 5-10 minutes.

Your rights as a participant

  • Your participation is voluntary.
  • You have the right to leave the study at any time.
  • You will be asked to provide your email, so we can identify you in case you decide to withdraw your data, and contact you for follow-up surveys mid and post-winter season.
  • If you decide to withdraw you can send us an email at michael.trotter@umu.se

How will your data be used?

Your responses will be analysed as part of the full data rather than as individual responses. The information you provide will be used only for research purposes, and the results will be published in scientific papers, conferences, articles on the Internet and shared in the press or other media.

Personal privacy

Your personal data will be handled by authorized staff in the research group, as well as by authorized administrative staff at Umeå University. No third party will have access to your data. 

The results of the study may be used in scientific publications and may be presented at national and international conferences. However, the results will only be presented at the group level (e.g., average scores), which means that individual scores will not be presented. ID information (e.g. address and social security number) does not need to be provided. 

Where can I find out more?

If you have any questions or concerns about your participation in this study, please contact:

Lead researcher:
Dr Michael Trotter
Department of Psychology
Umeå University, Sweden
A more detailed description of the study information can be found here - Instructorinfosheet (umu.se)





This consent applies to participation in the research project "Future perspectives and professional development in Snowsports Instructors".


Participation in the project is completely voluntary, and you can choose to withdraw from the project at any time without giving any reason. If you do not want to participate in the study, it will have no consequences whatsoever for your role as an instructor, or for your relationship with Umeå University. This consent applies in accordance with the Ethical Review Act and the handling of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 


We guarantee the following aspects:


1.            All personal data will be coded to make identification impossible and guarantee the anonymity of the research subjects.


2.            Personal data that can be used to identify the research subjects will be distorted, and the results will be presented in groups in future publications and presentations, ensuring anonymity.


3.            All material will be stored securely and all ID information will be kept separate from your raw data, so that no third parties or people outside the research group can access it.


4.            All material is treated confidentially and belongs to the project manager at the Department of Psychology at Umeå University.


By continuing with this survey, I hereby confirm that I have received sufficient information about the research project and had the opportunity to ask questions and get answers to them. I therefore agree to participate in the research project.

What is your age
Frågan är obligatorisk
What is your Gender?
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
Are you currently working as a snowsports instructor?
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
Is your work as a snowsports instructor your primary source of employment?
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
How many years of snowsports instructing experience do you have?
Frågan är obligatorisk
How many winter seasons have you worked as an instructor (e.g., 3 years of northern and southern hemisphere seasons counts as 6 seasons)?
Frågan är obligatorisk
Which snowsports association did you obtain your accreditation from?
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
What is your current ski instructing qualification?
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
What is your current snowboard instructing qualification?
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
What is your current telemark instructing qualification
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
What is your current cross-country ski instructing qualification
Ogiltigt, du måste markera exakt 1 svarsalternativFrågan är obligatorisk
How many years experience do you have in snowsports before you started instructing snowsports (e.g., how many years of skiing/snowboarding etc)?
Frågan är obligatorisk
Please respond to each of the below statements. Think about how true each statement is about you. Select 1 if the statement does not apply at all to you and 7 if the statement applies completely to you.
 Does not apply at all123456Applies completely
My future as a snowsports instructor seems endless to me.
As I get older, I feel that my time as a snowsports instructor is limited.
I can do whatever I want in my future as a snowsports instructor.
Most of my life as a snowsports instructor lies ahead of me.
I only have limited opportunities in my future as a snowsports instructor.
I have plenty of time to make new plans for my life as a snowsports instructor.
I have a feeling that my time as a snowsports instructor is coming to an end.
I expect to set many new goals in my future as a snowsports instructor.
Many opportunities await me in my future as a snowsports instructor.
Frågan är obligatorisk
Please answer the following questions about your intention to participate in the snowsports instructor training and exams of your snowsports instructors association. Don't think too much about any particular answer. How likely are you to:
 Extremely Unlikely 123456Extremely likely 7
Participate in official snowsports school/instructor association training
Practice your snowsports (e.g., snow riding technique) on your own time.
Study snowsports instructor theory.
Take your next snowsports instructor exam  this season?
Frågan är obligatorisk
Please answer the following questions about your work as a snowsports instructor.
 Strongly Disagree 
2345Strongly Agree
My work allows me to make decisions
I can use my judgement when solving work-related problems
I can take on responsibilities at my job
At my work, I feel free to execute my tasks in my own way
I have the ability to do my work well
I feel competent at work
I am able to solve problems at work
I succeed in my work
When I’m with the people from my work environment,
I feel understood
When I’m with the people from my work environment,
I feel heard
When I’m with the people from my work environment,
I feel as though I can trust them
When I’m with the people from my work environment,
I feel I am a friend to them
Frågan är obligatorisk
There are a variety of reasons why people work as a snowsports instructor. Please indicate how true each of these reasons are for why you work as a snowsports instructor. The scale ranges from 1 (not at all true) to 7 (very true).
 not at all true
23somewhat true
56very true 
For the pleasure I feel when I teach snowsports.
I used to have good reasons for teaching snowsports, but now I am asking myself if I should continue doing it.
I would feel bad about myself if I was not taking time to teach snowsports.
It is a good way to get exercise.
I get paid or get other rewards when I teach snowsports.
For the excitement I feel when I am really involved in snowsports.
I learn valuable lessons from snowsports.
It is absolutely necessary for me to teach snowsports to feel good about myself.
It is not clear to me anymore; I don't really think snowsports are my sports.
My parents, other family members, or friends tell me to do it.
For the pleasure of discovering new techniques.
I'm not sure why I still teach snowsports, I don't seem to be going anywhere in it.
I think teaching snowsports is a useful way to stay healthy
My parents, family, or friends would be mad if I didn't teach snowsports anymore.
I would feel awful if I didn't teach snowsports anymore.
Frågan är obligatorisk
Thank you for participating in this study! We appreciate your time. We would like to hear from you again about your training motivations and practices again in the middle of the winter season, but also again at the end. If you would like to participate in the follow up questionnaires, please leave your email address below. If you choose to participate in this study, we will also send you the study results.